Convert RM to MKV
Choose file to convert
With our free online converter, you can convert rm files to mkv as well as a variety of other formats.
How to convert rm to mkv?
Step 1
Upload rm-file
You can select rm file you want to convert from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox or simply drag and drop it onto the page.
Step 2
Select «to mkv»
Choose mkv or any of the other 200+ supported formats you'd like to convert to.
Step 3
Download your mkv file
Please wait for the conversion to complete, then click on the download button to obtain your converted file in the mkv format.
The security of your files is our priority
Understanding the importance of the security of our users' data, we have implemented a number of measures to ensure reliable file conversion without the risk of information leakage or privacy violations.
Data encryption
All information uploaded to our platform is SSL encrypted, ensuring privacy during transmission.
Safe storage
After the conversion is completed, the files are stored on secure servers for 24 hours and are automatically destroyed, excluding access by third parties.
Harmless scripts
Our file conversion tools are regularly tested for malicious code or vulnerabilities to eliminate the risk of a potential cyber attack.
Best tool to convert rm to mkv
Simply drag and drop your rm files onto the webpage, and you'll be able to convert them to mkv or over 250 different file formats, all without having to register, provide an email address, or include a watermark.
As soon as you upload your rm files, we instantly delete them. Converted files are then deleted after 24 hours. Furthermore, we ensure that all file transfers are secure through advanced SSL encryption.
You don't have to go through the hassle of installing any software. We handle all rm to mkv conversions in the cloud, which means that none of your computer's resources will be used in the process.
Real Media File
Extension | .rm |
Category | 🔵 video |
Main program | 🔵 RealNetworks RealPlayer |
Description | 🔵 RM (RealMedia) is a proprietary multimedia container format developed by RealNetworks. It was primarily used for streaming audio, video, and other multimedia content over the internet. RM files typically contain audio and video codecs that are optimized for streaming over low bandwidth connections. |
Technical details | 🔵 The RM format is based on a modified version of the standard MPEG-4 compression algorithm and is able to provide high-quality video and audio while keeping file sizes small. The format also includes support for digital rights management (DRM) to protect copyrighted content from unauthorized access and distribution. RM files can be played using RealPlayer, a media player application created by RealNetworks, which is available on various platforms such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. Some third-party media players may also be capable of playing RM files with the use of appropriate codecs. |
Developer | 🔵 Real Networks |
MIME type | 🔵 audio/x-pn-realaudio 🔵 audio/vnd.rn-realaudio 🔵 audio/x-pm-realaudio-plugin 🔵 audio/x-pn-realvideo |
Matroska Video File
Extension | .mkv |
Category | 🔵 video |
Programs | 🔵 VLC Media Player |
Main program | 🔵 VLC Media Player |
Description | 🔵 MKV Matroska is an open-source multimedia container format that supports multiple audio and subtitle tracks in a single file. It is the most versatile file type, allowing users to include a variety of data such as videos, audio, text, and images. It is a RAW format that can be easily manipulated and organized based on the specific data tracks needed. |
Technical details | 🔵 Whether it's video, audio, subtitles, or images, every file will be stored on a separate data line. It is quite similar to the MP4 or AVI format, although when users are packaging an MKV file, they rarely bundle all the tracks within the file. Many media players do not even support the MKV video format, so users need to use specialized media players that can handle the MKV format, such as VLC media player. |
Developer | 🔵 Steve Lhomme |
MIME type | 🔵 video/x-matroska |