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HEIC file format

DescriptionHigh Efficiency Image File Format (HEIC) is encoded by the High Efficiency Video Compression (HEVC) codec. It is commonly used by Apple for the HEIF image format. HEIC files contain image sequences and are ideal for live photos. One of the key advantages is that it saves storage space, allowing for the storage of twice as many pictures as JPEG files in the same amount of storage, thanks to its next-generation file compression technology.
Technical detailsHEIC is a lossy compressed format encoded by HEVC, which was developed by MPEG as well. Both formats support transparency and can store multiple images. Unlike JPG files, which are limited to 8-bit colors, HEIC files can handle 16-bit colors. However, HEIC files are not without compatibility issues. Currently, third-party apps and computer programs may have trouble interpreting HEIC files. iOS users can opt to stop saving images in HEIC format by adjusting their settings.
MIME type