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MD file format

DescriptionThe Markdown (MD) format is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax. It is designed to be easy to read and write, while also capable of producing well-formatted documents that can be converted to other formats like HTML. Markdown is commonly used for creating documentation, README files, forum posts, and other types of content where simple formatting is desired without the need for complex styling. Markdown is a versatile and lightweight markup language that provides a simple yet effective way to create structured documents with minimal effort.
Technical detailsMarkdown documents are plain text files, which means they can be edited with any text editor. This simplicity ensures compatibility across different platforms and applications. Supports six levels of headers, denoted by one to six hash symbols (#). Text can be emphasized using asterisks * or underscores _. Single asterisks or underscores denote italic text, while double asterisks or underscores denote bold text. Markdown supports both ordered and unordered lists. Lists items are preceded by the appropriate symbol followed by a space. Images can be embedded in Markdown documents using a similar syntax to links, but with an exclamation mark ! at the beginning. Text can be formatted as blockquotes by prefixing lines with a greater than symbol >. Multiple levels of nesting are supported by adding additional > symbols.