Convert WMV to MOV
Choose file to convert
With our free online converter, you can convert wmv files to mov as well as a variety of other formats.
How to convert wmv to mov?
Step 1
Upload wmv-file
You can select wmv file you want to convert from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox or simply drag and drop it onto the page.
Step 2
Select «to mov»
Choose mov or any of the other 200+ supported formats you'd like to convert to.
Step 3
Download your mov file
Please wait for the conversion to complete, then click on the download button to obtain your converted file in the mov format.
The security of your files is our priority
Understanding the importance of the security of our users' data, we have implemented a number of measures to ensure reliable file conversion without the risk of information leakage or privacy violations.
Data encryption
All information uploaded to our platform is SSL encrypted, ensuring privacy during transmission.
Safe storage
After the conversion is completed, the files are stored on secure servers for 24 hours and are automatically destroyed, excluding access by third parties.
Harmless scripts
Our file conversion tools are regularly tested for malicious code or vulnerabilities to eliminate the risk of a potential cyber attack.
Best tool to convert wmv to mov
Simply drag and drop your wmv files onto the webpage, and you'll be able to convert them to mov or over 250 different file formats, all without having to register, provide an email address, or include a watermark.
As soon as you upload your wmv files, we instantly delete them. Converted files are then deleted after 24 hours. Furthermore, we ensure that all file transfers are secure through advanced SSL encryption.
You don't have to go through the hassle of installing any software. We handle all wmv to mov conversions in the cloud, which means that none of your computer's resources will be used in the process.
Windows Media Video
Extension | .wmv |
Category | 🔵 video |
Programs | 🔵 Microsoft Windows Media Player 🔵 PowerDVD 🔵 RealPlayer 🔵 VideoLAN VLC Media Player |
Main program | 🔵 MPlayer |
Description | 🔵 Windows Media Video (WMV) is a video format that is part of the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) container. This format was developed by Microsoft. WMV files can be played on a variety of operating systems, including Mac and PC. Some WMV files come with digital rights management (DRM) protection, which prevents unauthorized copying of the recordings, particularly those purchased from an online store. |
Technical details | 🔵 The exclusive codecs developed by Microsoft are available when compressing a WMV file. Users have the option to use Windows Media Video 9 Professional, which allows them to play their files at resolutions exceeding 300,000 pixels (even with a screen resolution as low as 528x576) with an impressive bit rate of 1000 Kbit/s. The high definition capabilities of WMV files make them an excellent choice for HD DVD and Blu-ray discs. The WMV 9 format is recommended, as it is comparable to H.264 Main and High Profile. However, it lacks support for certain features like multiple reference frames and context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC). Lower bit rates may highlight differences between WMV and its competitors. |
Developer | 🔵 Microsoft |
MIME type | 🔵 video/x-ms-wmv |
QuickTime Movie
Extension | .mov |
Category | 🔵 video |
Programs | 🔵 CyberLink PowerDirector 🔵 Roxio Easy Media Creator |
Main program | 🔵 Apple QuickTime Player |
Description | 🔵 Apple has developed the MOV video format for use with their QuickTime player and video clips. This format is compatible with both Microsoft and macOS systems. MOV files have the ability to store multiple tracks, including audio, video, text, images, and various effects. |
Technical details | 🔵 MOV files contain various tracks containing factual data or data for editing in the form of a hierarchy or atoms. Atoms may be single or in association with other atoms, and they can perform either of these two actions simultaneously. MPV and MP4 files use the same MPEG-4 file container and consider QuickTime as a standard with their support. The earlier versions of the QuickTime player only allowed users to view MOV files, while the later versions also allow users to edit the data and export it to various systems. |
Developer | 🔵 Apple |
MIME type | 🔵 video/quicktime 🔵 video/x-quicktime 🔵 image/mov 🔵 audio/aiff 🔵 audio/x-midi 🔵 audio/x-wav 🔵 video/avi |