Convert DBF to STC
Choose file to convert
You have the option to convert your dbf file to stc, as well as a variety of other formats, using our free online converter.
How to convert dbf to stc?
Step 1
Upload dbf-file
You can select dbf file you want to convert from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox or simply drag and drop it onto the page.
Step 2
Select «to stc»
Choose stc or any of the other 200+ supported formats you'd like to convert to.
Step 3
Download your stc file
Please wait for the conversion to complete, then click on the download button to obtain your converted file in the stc format.
The security of your files is our priority
Understanding the importance of the security of our users' data, we have implemented a number of measures to ensure reliable file conversion without the risk of information leakage or privacy violations.
Data encryption
All information uploaded to our platform is SSL encrypted, ensuring privacy during transmission.
Safe storage
After the conversion is completed, the files are stored on secure servers for 24 hours and are automatically destroyed, excluding access by third parties.
Harmless scripts
Our file conversion tools are regularly tested for malicious code or vulnerabilities to eliminate the risk of a potential cyber attack.
Best tool to convert dbf to stc
Simply drag and drop your dbf files onto the webpage, and you'll be able to convert them to stc or over 250 different file formats, all without having to register, provide an email address, or include a watermark.
As soon as you upload your dbf files, we instantly delete them. Converted files are then deleted after 24 hours. Furthermore, we ensure that all file transfers are secure through advanced SSL encryption.
You don't have to go through the hassle of installing any software. We handle all dbf to stc conversions in the cloud, which means that none of your computer's resources will be used in the process.
Database File
Extension | .dbf |
Category | 🔵 documents |
Programs | 🔵 Microsoft Access 2016 🔵 Microsoft Excel 2016 🔵 Microsoft Visual FoxPro 🔵 Corel Quattro Pro X7 🔵 Apache OpenOffice 🔵 HiBase Group DBF Viewer 2000 🔵 Astersoft DBF Manager 🔵 DBF Viewer Plus 🔵 DBFView 🔵 Swiftpage Act! 🔵 Alpha Software Alpha Anywhere 🔵 Planamesa NeoOffice (Mac) 🔵 GTK DBF Editor (Mac & Linux) 🔵 multisoft FlagShip (Linux) |
Main program | 🔵 dBase |
Description | 🔵 Dbase, the data management software, employs the DBF extension for the storage of its standard database files. However, the use of DBF files is not exclusive to dbase; they are also supported by a variety of other "xBASE" software. The DBF format gained popularity due to its straightforward structure and early acceptance by the database community. |
Technical details | 🔵 In terms of technical details, a DBF file houses multiple sets of data, stored and organized in arrays. It was initially utilized in dBASE II as a file format, and has since been incorporated in subsequent versions, namely dBASE III, III+, and IV. The DBF file is amongst the first database file formats to include a header. This header enables programs unfamiliar with the data structure to read the DBF file. Additionally, it can be utilized in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, along with a few other programs. |
Developer | 🔵 dBASE |
MIME type | 🔵 application/dbase 🔵 application/x-dbase 🔵 application/dbf 🔵 application/x-dbf 🔵 zz-application/zz-winassoc-dbf |
Extension | .stc |
Category | 🔵 documents |
Main program | 🔵 OpenOffice Calc |
Description | 🔵 STC is a file extension used for Calc Spreadsheet Templates. STC files are template files for creating and saving spreadsheets with Calc, which is a free and open-source software that provides features similar to Microsoft Excel. |
Technical details | 🔵 STC files contain pre-defined settings such as fonts, cell borders, and formatting styles that can be used to create spreadsheets. They allow users to save time by not having to re-create the same settings for each new spreadsheet. The STC file format is based on the OpenDocument Format (ODF), which is an international standard for document exchange. It is a compressed file format that uses the ZIP algorithm to reduce the file size. The contents of an STC file are stored in XML format, which is a machine-readable format that can be easily parsed and understood by software applications. |
Developer | 🔵 Sun Microsystems |
MIME type | 🔵 application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template |