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RST file format

DescriptionThe RST (reStructuredText) format is a lightweight markup language used for creating structured plain text documents. It is designed to be easy to read and write, while also allowing for easy conversion to other formats like HTML, LaTeX, and PDF. RST documents use simple and intuitive syntax to denote headings, lists, links, emphasis, and other formatting elements. Additionally, RST supports features such as tables, footnotes, and directives for including code blocks, images, and other elements. It is commonly used for writing documentation, technical manuals, and articles, as well as for creating content for websites and blogs. RST files can be processed using various tools and libraries, making them versatile and widely supported in the software development and publishing communities.
Technical detailsRST documents are designed to be easy to read and write in plain text format. The syntax is simple and intuitive, making it accessible to both writers and readers.