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OPML file format

DescriptionOPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) is an XML-based file format designed to exchange information between different applications, regardless of the operating system. OPML files are commonly used to import and export lists, such as RSS feed subscriptions in news aggregators or structured plans in to-do list applications. An OPML file is often used to exchange lists of data that can be easily updated and shared between users and applications, thereby facilitating information management and integration.
Technical detailsOPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) files are XML documents designed to describe and exchange information in the form of structured lists. Basic technical details of the OPML file: - XML-based: OPML uses XML to structure data, making it both human and machine readable. - Elements: The key elements of OPML are , which is the root element, and , which is used to represent each list element or structure node. - Versions: There are different versions of OPML, but the most common is version 2.0. - Attributes: elements can include attributes such as text (required), type, isComment, isBreakpoint and others that provide additional information about each list element. - Extensibility: Users and developers can add their own attributes to elements, making OPML very flexible and extensible. OPML files are often used to exchange information, such as lists of RSS feeds or projects and tasks, between different applications that support the format.