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JSON file format

DescriptionJSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a standardized data interchange format commonly used in web development and data transmission. Unlike .doc format used by Microsoft Word, JSON is platform-independent and text-based, making it easily readable and writable by both humans and machines. JSON files consist of structured data organized into key-value pairs, similar to dictionaries or associative arrays in programming languages. In contrast to the binary .doc format, JSON files are human-readable and easy to parse, making them ideal for transmitting structured data between systems and applications. Additionally, JSON's simplicity and widespread adoption across programming languages make it a popular choice for data exchange in various domains, including web services, APIs, and configuration files.
Technical detailsJSON syntax is derived from JavaScript Object syntax, consisting of curly braces {} to denote objects, square brackets [] to denote arrays, and key-value pairs separated by colons :. Each key-value pair is separated by commas. JSON supports several data types including strings, numbers, objects, arrays, Boolean values, and null. Strings are enclosed in double quotes " ", and numbers can be integer or floating-point. JSON supports Unicode, allowing the representation of a wide range of characters. It is typically encoded using UTF-8, ensuring compatibility across different systems and languages. JSON is schema-less, meaning there's no formal definition required for the structure of JSON data. This flexibility allows for dynamic data exchange and easy adaptation to changing requirements. JSON is widely supported across programming languages and platforms, with built-in parsing and serialization libraries available for most modern languages.