Convert MP4 to TXT
Choose file to convert
With our free online converter, you can convert mp4 files to txt as well as a variety of other formats.
How to convert mp4 to txt?
Step 1
Upload mp4-file
You can select mp4 file you want to convert from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox or simply drag and drop it onto the page.
Step 2
Select «to txt»
Choose txt or any of the other 200+ supported formats you'd like to convert to.
Step 3
Download your txt file
Please wait for the conversion to complete, then click on the download button to obtain your converted file in the txt format.
The security of your files is our priority
Understanding the importance of the security of our users' data, we have implemented a number of measures to ensure reliable file conversion without the risk of information leakage or privacy violations.
Data encryption
All information uploaded to our platform is SSL encrypted, ensuring privacy during transmission.
Safe storage
After the conversion is completed, the files are stored on secure servers for 24 hours and are automatically destroyed, excluding access by third parties.
Harmless scripts
Our file conversion tools are regularly tested for malicious code or vulnerabilities to eliminate the risk of a potential cyber attack.
Best tool to convert mp4 to txt
Simply drag and drop your mp4 files onto the webpage, and you'll be able to convert them to txt or over 250 different file formats, all without having to register, provide an email address, or include a watermark.
As soon as you upload your mp4 files, we instantly delete them. Converted files are then deleted after 24 hours. Furthermore, we ensure that all file transfers are secure through advanced SSL encryption.
You don't have to go through the hassle of installing any software. We handle all mp4 to txt conversions in the cloud, which means that none of your computer's resources will be used in the process.
MPEG-4 Video File
Extension | .mp4 |
Category | 🔵 video |
Programs | 🔵 Microsoft Windows Media Player 🔵 VLC media player 🔵 MPlayer 🔵 Eltima Elmedia Player 🔵 Winamp 🔵 Apple QuickTime Player 🔵 Apple iTunes |
Description | 🔵 .mp (MPEG- Part ) The .mp file format is a digital multimedia container format most commonly used to store video and audio, but it can also be used to store other data such as subtitles and still images. MP is based on the Apple MOV format, but adds support for various other MPEG features. It's a universally accepted format with high compatibility across all platforms and devices, widely used for streaming over the internet, for storing digital video and audio streams, and for video playback on mobile devices. |
Technical details | 🔵 The `.mp4` format, or MPEG-4 Part 14, is a versatile multimedia container with these features: - **Standardization**: Standardized by ISO/IEC as ISO/IEC 14496-14. - **Versatility**: Stores video (including 4K), audio, text (subtitles), and 3D graphics. - **Compression**: Uses MPEG-4 lossy compression, reducing file size with minimal quality loss. - **Video/Audio Codecs**: Commonly uses H.264 (MPEG-4 Part 10) for video and AAC for audio. - **Compatibility**: Widely supported by media players, editing tools, and devices. - **Streaming**: Suitable for internet streaming and progressive download. - **Metadata**: Supports metadata like titles, artist, GPS data, and scene descriptions. - **Chapter Support**: Enables easy navigation within videos. - **Subtitles/Closed Captions**: Includes subtitles/closed captions, embedded or as separate tracks. - **DRM Support**: Can be protected with DRM systems. |
Developer | 🔵 Moving Picture Experts Group |
MIME type | 🔵 audio/mp4 🔵 video/mp4 |
Raw text file
Extension | .txt |
Category | 🔵 documents |
Programs | 🔵 Notepad 🔵 TextEdit 🔵 WordPad |
Description | 🔵 .txt (Text File) The .txt file format is a universally recognized standard text document format, containing straightforward, unformatted text. Almost every text editor and word processing program can identify and work with .txt files. They serve a key role in storing information in plain text, without any particular formatting aside from essential fonts and font styles. The .txt format is renowned for its compatibility and simplicity, with the ability to be accessed on virtually any computer platform. |
Technical details | 🔵 The .txt (plain text) file format is a fundamental, universally compatible format that encompasses the following salient technical aspects: - Character Encoding: It accommodates encoding such as ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, impacting the representation of character range. - No Formatting: It doesn't support any kind of formatting (like bold, italics, etc.); it simply stores text in its most basic form. - Universal Compatibility: It can be generated, accessed, and modified by a broad range of operating systems and devices. - Uses: Frequently used for uncomplicated documents, notes, configuration files, and storage of unformatted data. - File Extension: The standard extension associated with it is `.txt`. - Small File Size: Usually very compact due to the absence of formatting or multimedia content. - Line Breaks: Varies depending on the operating system (CRLF for Windows, LF for Unix/Linux, CR for older Mac OS). - No Metadata: It doesn't accommodate embedded metadata such as the author's name or creation date. - Encoding Declaration: It doesn't inherently contain encoding information, which can potentially cause issues across different systems. - Programming and Scripting Use: Extensively used for source code, scripts, JSON, XML, etc. - Editability: Can be modified using a variety of text editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). - Security: Generally immune to viruses but can potentially be involved in phishing or other malicious activities. The .txt format is crucial for storing or transferring text without the need for formatting or intricate features. |
Developer | 🔵 Microsoft |
MIME type | 🔵 text/plain 🔵 application/txt 🔵 browser/internal 🔵 text/anytext 🔵 widetext/plain 🔵 widetext/paragraph |