Huis  /  Bestandsindelingen


aai, art, arw, avs, bmp, bpg, brf, cals, cgm, cr2, crw, cur, cut, dcm, dcr, dcx, dib, dng, emf, fax, gif, hdr, hrz, ico, info, isobrl, isobrl6, jng, jpeg, mat, mng, mono, mpc, mrw, mtv, mvg, nef, orf, otb, p7, palm, pam, pbm, pcx, pes, pfa, pfb, pfm, pgm, picon, pict, pix, png, pnm, ppm, psb, psd, ptif, pwp, rad, raf, rgf, rla, rle, sct, sfw, sgi, sun, svg, tga, tiff, tim, ttf, ubrl, ubrl6, uil, uyvy, vacar, viff, wbpm, wpg, x3f, xbm, xcf, xmp, xwd, dxf, eps, pcd, pct, wmf, jpg, ai, tif, dst, dds, dwg, raw, webp, cdr, heic, dfont, ps, nrw, plt, jfif, heif, apng, avif, cad, psp, pat, pic, cam, vss, srf, dps, mix, pal, muse, vsd, jpe, jp2, rgb, jar, mjpeg, av1, map, jif, shn, tta, ace, afm, wve, cff, wmz, xa, dss, sd2, svgz, img, dpx, cmx, otg 

djvu, fb2, epub, mobi, azw3, lit, snb, tcr, azw, prc, azw4 

epdf, html, pdf, shtml, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pptx, odt, ott, sxw, stw, docm, xml, wps, dot, hwp, rtf, txt, wpd, dotm, pages, lrf, sdw, ods, ots, sxc, stc, xlt, csv, wk1, wks, sdc, dbf, odp, odg, otp, sxi, sti, pps, pot, sda, sdd, sdp, pptm, ppsx, ppt, dotx, pdb, xps, oxps, cbr, cbz, htm, key, numbers, pub, woff, msg, eml, otf, word, bpm, fig, one, jnt, exp, css, cfm, osm, asd, contact, cal, spc, mac, sec, tax, site, style, rtl, olm, max, ind, epf, act, fit, sla, sat, bms, cnc, sam, dex, pez, ipynb, aspx, dat, dwf, latex, wv, rb, w64, ac3, ra, jps, vqf, exr, dts, gsm, cab, bin, jbg, vox, xpm, yuv, abw, potx, ape, deb, sln, sr2, avr, voc, smp, rpm, json, md, chm, xlsm, tex, vsdx, xhtml, pst, mpp, mdi, mdb, bib, rst, htmlz, xltx, pxl, xlr, opml, oeb, dvd, py 

tar.bz2, tar.gz, rar, tar, tbz2, tgz, zip, 7z, xz, iso, arc, dmg, bz2, gz, lzh 

mp3, wav, m4a, wma, ogg, flac, aac, aiff, opus, oga, adts, amr, m4r, alac, caf, m4p, m4b, midi, weba, all, band, ram, als, sid, cfa, cpr, abc, wax, spx, vivo, mp2, tak, snd, au, ppsm, kdc, pef, rgba, rw2, cvs, aifc, mpga, 3ga, mmf, oma, qcp, aif 

mp4, 3gp, avchd, avi, flv, m2ts, m4v, mkv, mov, mts, mxf, swf, ts, vob, webm, wmv, 3g2, aaf, asf, divx, dv, f4v, hevc, m2v, mod, xvid, rmvb, rm, ogv, mpg, mpeg, wtv, video, m4s, movie, tvs, exo, cpi, dash, dmx, smi, wbmp, sfd, cdda, dbk, h264, 3gpp, amv, ogm, tod, gvi 

AOL Compressed Image File
Delcam ArtCAM
Sony Digital Camera Alpha Raw Image Format
Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop ElementsGIMPPaintbrushGoogle PicasaXnView
Application Visualization System File
May require ActionMedia II video card to open
Microsoft Windows bitmap
Adobe PhotoshopMicrosoft Photo EditorPaintbrush
Borland Project Group
Embarcadero Delphi
Braille Ready Format File
Duxbury Braille Translator
CALS Raster Graphic File
ACD Systems Canvas 12Adobe Photoshop CS5Adobe Photoshop CS6Corel PaintShop Pro X4CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5
Computer Graphics Metafile
ACD Systems Canvas 12Adobe Illustrator CS5Adobe Illustrator CS6Autodesk AutoCAD 2012Autodesk AutoCAD 2013CADSoftTools ABViewerCorel PaintShop Pro X4Corel WordPerfect Office X5
Canon Digital Camera Raw Image File
Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop LightroomPaint Shop ProPicasadigiKam
Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format
ApertureAZImageExifToolAdobe LightroomPicasadcrawjrawiolibrawRawTherapeeBreezeBrowser
Windows Cursor
ACD Systems SCDSee 18 (Windows)Axialis CursorWorkshop (Windows)Corel PaintShop Pro X8 (Windows)Greenfish Icon Editor Pro (Windows)Inkscape (Windows, Mac, Linux)Microsoft WindowsSnap Converter (Mac)
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Image File
ACD Systems Canvas 15DicomWorksezDICOMMRIcroIrfanViewOsiriX Imaging SoftwareMeVisLabImageMagickGIMP
Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop ElementsCorel DrawGoogle Picasa
Digital Negative Image File
Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop ElementsAdobe Photoshop LightroomCorel DrawGoogle Picasa
Microsoft Enhanced Metafile (32-bit)
Microsoft WordQuarkXPress
CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
Adobe PhotoshopApple PreviewCorel Paint Shop ProMicrosoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer
High Dynamic Range Image File
Internet ExplorerSafariFirefoxGoogle Chrome
Microsoft icon file
Adobe PhotoshopMicrosoft PaintWindows Picture and Fax Viewer
Joint Photographic Experts Group
Adobe PhotoshopApple PreviewCorel Paint Shop Pro
Musepack Compressed Audio File
Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop ElementsApple PhotosCorel DrawGoogle PicasaMicrosoft Windows Photos
Nikon Digital Camera Raw Image File
Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop LightroomPaint Shop ProPicasadigiKam
Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image File
Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop ElementsCorel DrawGoogle PicasaOlympus Master
ZSoft Paintbrush Bitmap Image File
Adobe PhotoshopMicrosoft PaintWindows Picture and Fax Viewer
Brother Embroidery Format
Designer's Gallery Studio PlusEmbroidermodderBALARAD Embird StudioBuzz ToolsS & S Computing SewWhat!
Portable Gray Map Image
ACD Systems ACDSee 18ACD System Canvas 15Adobe Photoshop with plug-inCorel PaintShop Pro X8GIMPInkscapeNetpbm
Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/picture file
ACD Systems ACDSee 17Adobe Photoshop CCAdobe Photoshop Elements 12Adobe Fireworks CCExternal LinkAdobe After Effects CCCocoModXCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7Corel PaintShop Pro X7Lemkesoft GraphicConverterPlanamesa NeoOffice
Portable Network Graphics
Apple PreviewMicrosoft Windows PhotosAdobe Photoshop CCCorel Paint Shop ProMicrosoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer
Adobe PhotoshopCorel DrawGIMPNetpbm
Adobe Photoshop Document
Adobe Illustrator CS6Adobe InDesign CS6GIMP
Adobe LightroomAdobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop ElementsCorel DrawGoogle Picasa
Seattle FilmWorks image
SFW2JPGXnViewMPSFW PhotoWorksAmerican Greetings SFW & PWP File Converter
Scalable Vector Graphics File
Adobe PhotoshopApple PreviewCorel Paint Shop ProCorel SVG Viewer
Truevision Targa Graphic File
Adobe PhotoshopCorel Paint Shop ProGIMPPainter
Tagged Image File Format
Microsoft Windows Photos (Windows)Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer (Windows)Apple Preview (Mac)CorelDRAW Graphics Suite (Windows)Adobe Photoshop (Windows & Mac)Adobe Photoshop Elements (Windows & Mac)Adobe Illustrator (Windows & Mac)ACD Systems ACDSee (Windows)MacPhun ColorStrokes (Mac)Nuance PaperPort (Windows)Nuance OmniPage Ultimate (Windows)Roxio Toast (Mac)
TrueType Font
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 (Windows)Fontforge (Windows, Mac, Linux)Microsoft Windows Font Viewer (Windows)Apple Font Book (Mac)
WordPerfect Graphics File
CorelDRaw Graphics Suite X7InkscapeCorel WordPerfect X7 Lemkesoft GraphicConverter Serif PhotoPlus
Adobe PhotoshopCorel DrawGoogle Picasa
eXperimental Computing Facility
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7CinePaintSeashoreKolourPint
Drawing Exchange Format File
Adobe IllustratrorCorelCADOpen OfficePaintShop Pro
Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
Adobe AcrobatAdobe InDesignAdobe PhotoshopCorelDRAWMicrosoft Digital Image EditorQuarkXPressGIMPOpenOffice
Photo CD
ACD Systems Canvas 15Corel PaintShop Pro X6Corel WordPerfect Office X7Apache OpenOfficeACD Systems ACDSee 17
Apple Macintosh QuickDraw Image
ACD Systems ACDSee 17Adobe After Effects CC 2015CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7Adobe Illustrator CCAdobe Fireworks CCCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7Corel PaintShop Pro X8XnViewMP
Windows Metafile
ACD Systems ACDSee 17Apple QuickTie PlayerAdobe IllustratorCorel PaintShop Pro X6CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7Cristallight WMF Converter ProGIMPInkscapeQuarkXPressMicrosoft PublisherNewera Graphics Converter ProMicrosoft Picture It!MAGIX Xara Photo & Graphic Designer
Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery ViewerAdobe PhotoshopAdobe SuiteApple PreviewCorel Paint Shop ProMost web browsers
Adobe Illustrator File
Adobe AcrobatAdobe PhotoshopACD Systems CanvasCorelDRAWXnViewGhostscriptInkscapesK1GIMP
Tagged Image File Format
Microsoft Windows Photos (Windows)Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer (Windows)Apple Preview (Mac)CorelDRAW Graphics Suite (Windows)Adobe Photoshop (Windows & Mac)Adobe Photoshop Elements (Windows & Mac)Adobe Illustrator (Windows & Mac)ACD Systems ACDSee (Windows)MacPhun ColorStrokes (Mac)Nuance PaperPort (Windows)Nuance OmniPage Ultimate (Windows)Roxio Toast (Mac)
DirectDraw Surface
AutoCADAutodesk DWG TrueViewCorelCAD
Adobe PhotoshopApple PreviewCorel Draw
Google Web Picture files
Adobe PhotoshopPicasa
CorelDRAW Image File
Adobe ReaderCorel PaintShop Photo ProCorel WordPerfect OfficeLibreOffice
High Efficiency Image Coding
Mac OS X Data Fork Font
DfontSplitter (Windows, Mac OS)Apple Font Book (Mac OS)
PostScript File
Adobe Illustrator (Windows, Mac OS)Adobe Acrobat (Windows, Mac OS)Adobe Photoshop (Windows, Mac OS)Adobe Photoshop Elements (Windows, Mac OS)ACD Systems Canvas X (Windows)ACD Systems ACDSee Photo Studio (Windows)GSView (Windows, Linux)GPL Ghostscript (Windows)Apple Preview (Mac OS)Evince (Linux)
Nikon Raw Image File
File Viewer Plus (Microsoft)Adobe Photoshop Elements (Microsoft, Mac OS)Nikon ViewNX (Microsoft, Mac OS)Nikon ViewNX2 (Microsoft, Mac OS)Corel PaintShop Pro (Microsoft)Google Picasa (Microsoft, Mac OS)Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery (Microsoft)Adobe Photoshop (Microsoft, Mac OS)MacPhun ColorStrokes (Mac OS)Adobe Photoshop Express (Android, iOS)File Viewer for Android (Android)
AutoCAD Plot Drawing Format
PaintShop Pro

DjVu image files
LizardTech Browser Plug InMacDjView Desktop ViewerWinDjView
FictionBook 2.0 File
CalibreCool ViewerApple iBooksCalibre
Electronic Publication
FBReaderSumatra PDFCoolReaderSTDU ViewerCalibreAdobe Digital EditionsSony readerComic Book ReaderQuarkXPress
Mobipocket eBook
CalibreMobipocket ReaderFBReaderCool Reader
Amazon KF8 eBook File
Microsoft eBook File
Microsoft Reader
Shanda Bambook eBook
TCR compressed text document
Amazon Kindle ReaderKindle for iOSKindle for Android
Mobipocket Reader DesktopAmazon KindleApple iBooks

Hypertext Markup Language with a client-side image map
Internet ExplorerMozilla FirefoxGoogle ChromeOperaSafariOther internet browsers
Portable Document Format
Microsoft Word Document
Microsoft WriterIBM Lotus SymphonyApple PagesAbiWord
Office Open XML Document
Microsoft OfficeLibreOfficeKingsoft OfficeGoogle Docs
Microsoft Excel Binary File Format
Microsoft OfficeLibreOfficeKingsoft OfficeGoogle Docs
Office Open XML Document
Microsoft OfficeLibreOfficeKingsoft OfficeGoogle Docs
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 XML
Apple KeynoteOpenOffice
OpenDocument Text Document
Microsoft Office 2007Microsoft Office 2010
StarOffice Writer Document
OpenOffice WriterLibreOffice
Word Open XML Macro-Enabled Document
Microsoft Word 2010Microsoft Word 2013OpenOfficeMobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro 7
Extensible Markup Language
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013JAPISoft EditiXWattle XMLwriterMacroMates TextMate
Microsoft Works Word Processor Document
Microsoft WordNeoOfficeOxygenOfficeWorks Converter
Microsoft Word Document Template File
Microsoft WorksApache OpenOfficePlanamesa NeoOfficeMicrosoft Word Viewer
Hanword Document
Hancom OfficePlanamesa NeoOfficeHancom Office Viewer
Rich Text Format
Raw text file
WordPerfect Document File
OpenOffice WriterMicrosoft Word
Pages Document
Google DocsJumpsharePages 4.3Pages 5.0Pages 5.5
Sony Portable Reader File
OpenDocument Spreadsheet
Microsoft Office 2007Microsoft Office 2010
Comma Separated Values File
Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft WorksCorel Quattro ProApache OpenOfficeLibreOfficeMicrosoft NotepadLibre OfficeMobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro 7
Database File
Microsoft Access 2016Microsoft Excel 2016Microsoft Visual FoxProCorel Quattro Pro X7Apache OpenOfficeHiBase Group DBF Viewer 2000Astersoft DBF ManagerDBF Viewer PlusDBFViewSwiftpage Act!Alpha Software Alpha AnywherePlanamesa NeoOffice (Mac)GTK DBF Editor (Mac & Linux)multisoft FlagShip (Linux)
OpenDocument Presentation File
Corel WordPerfectOpenOffice ImpressKOfficeNeoOfficeLotus SymphonyStarOffice
OpenDocument Graphic File
OpenOffice Draw
PowerPoint Slide Show
Microsoft PowerPointApple KeynoteOpenOffice
Libre OfficeOpenOffice Draw
OpenOffice Draw
Libre OfficeOpenOffice Draw
PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation
Corel Presentations X7
PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show
Apple KeynoteOpenOffice
Microsoft PowerPoint
Apple KeynoteLibreOfficeOpenOffice
Word Open XML Document Template
Apache OpenOfficeLibreOffice
Palm ReaderMicrosoft Visual StudioPegasusQuicken
Microsoft XML Paper Specification File
EvinceXPS ViewerMuPDFHarlequin RIPOkularSTDU ViewerXara DEsigner ProXPS Annotator
OpenXPS File
Pagemark XpsViewerMicrosoft WordNiXPS View
ComicBook RAR Archive
Perfect Viewer CDisplay
Comic Book Zip Archive
Calibre CDisplayComicFlowPerfect Viewer
Hypertext Markup Language File
Internet ExplorerMozilla FirefoxGoogle ChromeOperaSafariOther internet browsers
Keynote Presentation
File Viewer LiteKeynote
Numbers Spreadsheet File
Apple Numbers
Microsoft Publisher Document File
Outlook Mail Message
Microsoft Outlook (Windows)File Viewer Plus (Windows)Encryptomatic MsgViewer Pro (Windows)BitDaddys Email Open View Pro (Windows)EZ Freeware Free Opener (Windows)Mozilla SeaMonkey (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)eM Client (Windows, Mac OS)Kupon.BG Klammer (Mac OS)45RPM MailRaider Pro (Mac OS)Kupon.BG Klammer 3 (iOS)File Viewer for Android (Android)
E-Mail Message
File Viewer Plus (Microsoft)Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Microsoft, Mac OS)Microsoft Outlook Express (Microsoft)Microsoft Mail (Microsoft)Microsoft Internet Explorer (Microsoft)Microsoft Windows Live Mail (Microsoft)Mozilla Thunderbird (Microsoft, Mac OS, Linux)Encryptomatic Message Viewer Lite (Microsoft)Perion IncrediMail (Microsoft)Mozilla SeaMonkey (Microsoft, Mac OS, Linux)Aryson EML Converter (Microsoft, Mac OS)Apple Mail (Mac OS)Kupon.BG Klammer 3 (iOS)File Viewer for Android (Android)
EdgeCAM Educational Part File

Compressed Tarball File
7-ZipAcubix PicoZipArk PeaZipWinRAR 5Xarchive
WinRAR Compressed Archive
Consolidated Unix File Archive
Apple Archive UtilityGNU TarStuffItWinZip
Tar BZip 2 Compressed File
Corel WinZip 15 ProWinRARPeaZip
Gzipped Tar File
Smith Micro Stuffit Deluxe 2010WinRAR 5Corel WinZip 18.5ZipegIncredible Bee ArchiverTar
ZIP compression
7z compressed archive

MP3 Audio File
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media playerMPlayerjetAudioZuneAudacityApple iTunesPlex Media CenterAmarokXineTotem
WAVE Audio File
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media playerMPlayerjetAudioWinampAudacityApple iTunesPlex Media CenterAmarokApple QuickTime Player
MPEG-4 Audio Layer
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media playerMPlayerAmarokWinampApple QuickTime PlayerApple iTunes
Windows Media Audio File
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media playerMPlayerMicrosoft ZuneWinampApple QuickTime Player
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media playerMPlayerFoobar2000WinampXion Audio PlayerAudacityEltima Elmedia PlayerApple QuickTime PlayerZinfTotemAmarok
Free Lossless Audio Codec
СomboPlayerVLC media playerWinampFoobar2000CogMacAmp Lite XaTunes
Advanced Audio Coding
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media playerMPlayerFoobar2000WinampApple iTunesAudacity
Audio Interchange File Format
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media playerWinampjetAudioAudacityApple QuickTime PlayerApple iTunes
Opus Audio File
Ogg Vorbis Audio File
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media playerWinamp
Audio Data Transport Stream File
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media player
Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec File
Apple QuickTimeRealplayerVLC media Player
iPhone Ringtone File
Apple QuickTime Player

MPEG-4 Video File
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerVLC media playerMPlayerEltima Elmedia PlayerWinampApple QuickTime PlayerApple iTunes
3rd Generation Partnership Project
QuickTime PlayerVLC Media PlayerWindows Media Player
Microsoft Audio/Visual Interleaved
ALLPlayerApple QuickTime PlayerMicrosoft Windows Media Player
Animated Flash Video File
Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery ViewerVideoLAN VLC Media PlayerWindows Media Player
Windows Media Player Adobe Flash Professional CCSony Picture Motion Browser
iTunes Video File
Apple iTunesVLC Media Player
Matroska Video File
VLC Media Player
QuickTime Movie
CyberLink PowerDirectorRoxio Easy Media Creator
AVCHD Video File
Windows Media Player
Material Exchange Format File
Avid Media ComposerSony Vegas Pro 13Avid Pro Tools
Shockwave Flash Movie
Web Browser with flash plugin
Video Transport Stream File
Corel VideoStudio Pro X7 UltimateCyberLink PowerProducer 6Squared 5 MPEG StreamclipPinnacle Studio 17.5
DVD Video Object File
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerBlazeDVD, Corel WinDVDPowerDVD 11
Web Media File
Google ChromeOperaQuickTime
Windows Media Video
Microsoft Windows Media PlayerPowerDVDRealPlayerVideoLAN VLC Media Player
3rd Generation Partnership Project Multimedia File
Apple QuickTime PlayerGOM PlayerMicrosoft Media Player ClassicTotemVideoLAN VLC Media Player
Advanced Systems Format File
VLC Media PlayerWindows Media Player
Digital Video Express Encoded Movie Files
DivX 7Microsoft Windows Media PlayerCyberLink PowerDVD 14
Flash MP4 Video File
FFDShowMicrosoft Windows Photo Gallery ViewerVideoLAN VLC Media PlayerWindows Media Player
Camcorder Recorded Video (Modul) File
VLC Media PlayerWindows Media Player
RealMedia Variable Bitrate
VLC Media Player
Real Media File
Ogg Video File
VLCMPlayerHelix Player
MPEG Video Stream
VLC Video PlayerApple iTunesQuicktime Player
Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format
Windows Movie MakerVLC Video PlayerApple iTunesQuicktime Player